Producer Firoz Nadiadwala is set to revive the Hera Pheri franchise with Indra Kumar as their director. Original castmates Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal will be reprising their roles in the film. After several delays, the film is finally ready to go on floors this year. This sure will be interesting to watch this trio reunite on the silver screen.
A source was heard saying, "At present, the film is in the scripting stage. Indra Kumar has been working with his team of writers on the story since May last year and has already locked the first half, while the second half requires some more work. He will jump into it after the release of his upcoming directorial, Total Dhamaal. The delays happened due to issues in the script. Hera Pheri is an iconic franchise and the team is in no hurry to take it on the floors. Though everyone is excited, no one wants to compromise on the script for a substandard product to capitalize on the franchise's power."
Previosuly it was noted that Akshay had initially walked out of the franchise following a fallout with the producer Firoz. ut it looks like the hatchet has been buried and have reportedly decided to work on this project. After Akshay's return, the film got delayed because the producer had alleged financial trouble. But now it looks like the film is back on track this time.
The film is in its scripting stage. Indra Kumar has been working with his team of writers on the story. Apparently, the first half has been locked and second half is shaping up now. It looks like the film will go into the shooting phase by this year's end.
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